Study these Business English terms!
Learning business terminology is one key to success in your international career.
Download my specially-prepared 15 Useful Business English Terms.
Get a head start learning important business terms for success in the interdependent global economy.
Your vocabulary size is a good indicator of your educational level and abilities.
Research indicates a powerful vocabulary is a predictor of both personal and professional success.
Unfortunately, a strong vocabulary is a persistent problem for many students of English (and native speakers!).
Rightly or wrongly, your friends, colleagues and clients judge your intelligence and competence based on the vocabulary you use.
Acquiring more Business English terms means you can write, listen, and speak with greater confidence in conducting meetings and writing reports at the office.
Get some essential vocabulary for business professionals working in an English-speaking context.
Start building your wealth of words today.
Growing a great vocabulary is one of the most overlooked ways to improve your business career.
That’s why I wrote a special report for you to download today.
Get 15 Useful Business English Terms
Each word is shown with its part of speech and meaning with an example sentence so you can immediately use the word correctly.
All you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter, Career English, and start building your Business English vocabulary today!
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The report gives you the part of speech of the term and a sample sentence so you know how to use it.
If you are just building your business vocabulary or need a helpful boost, these 15 useful Business English terms will improve your word power.