Partner with your Spanish translator, but leave these tall tales aside.
Seven (7) persistent myths surround Spanish translators.
Below, each of these misconceptions is explored and ultimately debunked.
The English word myth springs forth originally from the Greek word mythos – speech, thought, story, myth, or anything delivered by word of mouth.
Translation buyers deserve the facts about these seven popular notions direct from a Spanish translator like this author.
Read on to discover how these fables fall short of reality.
7 Myths about a Spanish Translator
#1: Any bilingual person can translate Spanish to English.
Bilingualism is an attractive advantage in the disruptive Knowledge Economy; it takes more than knowledge of two (or three) languages to be a competent certified translator.
A competent translator has both language and subject knowledge as well as experience.
For example, this author translates Spanish to English (and Portuguese to English) business, legal, international affairs, and personal documents.
#2: Any Spanish translator can convert any text to English on any subject.
Among the toolbox of skills for translators is subject knowledge.
Some may not agree, but subject knowledge is absolutely necessary.
If one has never cracked a book about financial English, taken a class, or worked in a bank, for example, this author would hesitate mightily to hire the person.
Moreover, experience amplifies the subject knowledge of a translator.
Most professional translators specialize in particular areas whether by experience in life or academics.
Be sure to check the experience of your translator to effectively manage your subject area!
This author concentrates in his strong subjects – business, law, defense and international affairs, and personal documents (birth certificates, marriage/divorce certificates, etc.).
#3: Machine translation is good enough.
Be careful!
Is a translation mistake worth the credibility of your company before consumers?
While technology continues to fuel rapid changes in the Knowledge Economy, including translation, machines will hardly ever replace human Spanish translators in conversion of your business documents.
Despite the advances of Google Translator and Bing Translator – two popular “free” machine translators (MT) available to the general public, humans retain the advantage.
That is not to say that machines cannot help, but ultimately the human translator determines precisely the meaning of coger for example, in a Spanish text.
Ask your translation provider whether your translation will be produced by a human or a machine.
Also, a distinction must be drawn between MT and Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT).
Your documents converted from Spanish or Portuguese to English using CAT is different.
In this case, a Spanish translator simply uses a computer to expertly manipulate your text and uses his or her intellect to find the correct meanings.
Technology assists translators mightily to produce expertly converted documents.
However, autopilot translation by machines is a risky proposition for companies and individuals.
4#: There is only one possible translation for text, audio, or video.
As a wise professor of translation quipped: Translation is the art of failure. It can always be better.
At heart, translators are writers.
Writers creatively render your text from one language to another incorporating many different words.
Your expert translator is focused on meaning of text, not mere words.
Writers can differ on the interpretation of text and the use of adequate terms to render a document from Spanish to English or Portuguese to English.
As each translation project is distinct, so is its translation – within strict parameters.
Every translation is subject to revision according to this author’s 9-point Translation Diagnostic to guarantee a precise, prompt, and professional conversion of your documents.
#5: All Spanish translators are the same.
The translation industry is quite diverse.
Experience, costs, interests, and skills vary.
Your Spanish translator wants to strike up a working relationship with your company and/or you as individual.
It is fundamentally about team work to solve your language issues.
Partnerships are formed on ad hoc and permanent bases every day across the world.
You need your Spanish or Portuguese document into English.
Together both sides emphasize unity of purpose to get your product description, contract, area study, or press release in front of your buyers.
In other words, while all Spanish translators are not similar, the relationship you form with him or her is most important.
#6: Certified translators are not necessary.
Unfortunately, some translators around the world are not certified.
They never studied the techniques to convert a document from one language to another under the supervision of a trained translator.
Translators in the United States may gain certification in two ways – via the American Translation Association (ATA) or a course program at an educational institution.
Companies and individuals should seek out certified translators to have more confidence in the production of documents in their desired language.
Certified Spanish translators like this author bring a commitment to service, a level of expertise and experience, and a certain conformity to norms expected in the translation industry.
Less qualified individuals who claim to be translators are risky to employ in the high-stakes arena of the disruptive Knowledge Economy.
So, seek out certified translators with whom you can form a strong business relationship as a partner to solve your language issues.
#7: Translators can turn out a translation with little or no turnaround
Quality translations take time.
You have a deadline. Your certified translator wants to meet your goal.
The size and complexity of the project, the file format, and any special specifications could lengthen the turnaround time.
Perhaps he or she has a translation buddy who can help to speed up delivery time.
In addition, a rush fee may apply to meet your deadline.
Provide an opportunity for your translator to review your entire project to determine a reasonable turnaround time.
Your Turn
Now you know more about the professional profile of a Spanish translator, your partner to communicate your message to the world in English.
I speak your language!
For your prompt, precise, and professional translation, contact Professor Winn today.
Send a message to winn(at) with details of your translation project for a free quote or complete the contact form below.
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