Spanish Text Translator for You
France continues to be roiled by the “yellow jackets” protests sparked by rising ire at the Macron government.
The author of this article in La Vanguardia, a Spanish daily, ponders the possible revolutionary future of France.
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Now enjoy a short translation of the newspaper article.
Spanish to English Translation
: Francia, ¿camino de otro 1789?
Headline: France, another 1789?
On the 230th anniversary of the French Revolution, the protests of the ‘yellow jackets’ could lead to an increase in discontent towards Macron in 2019.
The French have been mostly in favor of the ‘yellow jackets’, but the percentage in favor is less every day, according to polling institutes. But can these institutes be trusted?
el artículo completo aquí.
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photo credits:
Place de la Bastille, Tomasz Dunn, (CC BY 4.0)
Gilets jaunes, ActuaLitté, (CC BY 4.0)